The Week in Drupal: April 29, 2015

Wayne Eaker

A review of interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week: April 22 - 29, 2015.

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 core updates for April 22

Drupal 8 beta 10 to be released April 29

Drupal 8 Configuration Management with Features

Drupal 8 Rules Update: April 2015

Naming conventions for D8 libraries


Importing huge databases faster

Note the comments on the post for possible issues with this approach.

Offsite Backups with Backup and Migrate Module

Scheduling Post Publishing with Scheduler Module

Blog Posts and Podcasts

Yeoman Generators for Drupal: What’s out there?

There's a Module for that! Don't use it! with Ted Bowman - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Running Your Company like a Factory is Destroying Humanity: Part 1

Interesting New Modules

Commerce Reset

Allows you to clear out Drupal Commerce orders, transactions and customer profiles to a near blank slate. Useful for when development is completed.

URL Alias Sync

A module to automatically update all path aliases of entities which reference separate entities whose path alias has just changed.

Quickbooks Online API

Simple integration with the Quickbooks Online API. No user interface, for developers only.

Responsive Frames (sandbox)

Provides a text filter that wraps iframes with containing divs and optionally provides CSS to make the frames responsive. Essentially this module makes frames (most commonly videos) behave like images with the width of 100%.


For D8 and PostgreSQL only. Implements a Drupal field type that stores JSON or JSONB data.

Multi Value Field Overrides (sandbox)

Allows you to remove some of the basic functionality that Drupal automatically adds to mutli-value fields, such as draggable handles, header row, and the add more button.

Upcoming Drupal Events

DrupalCon Los Angeles - May 11 - 15

DrupalCamp Spain - May 22 - 24

Drupal Open Days (DrupalCamp Ireland) - May 22 - 23