Validation with Symfony2 from a Drupal Perspective: DrupalCon Austin Session Notes
Wayne Eaker
![Validation with Symfony2 from a Drupal Perspective: DrupalCon Austin Session Notes](/sites/default/files/images/validation.png)
- Symfony is a set of reusable components. Drupal 8 uses 12 of these components.
- Install with composer: "symfony/validator"
Validator Object
$validator = Validation::createValidator();
$validator->validateValue('[email protected]', new Email()); // Email is a constraint classCombine constraints: $validator->value('wayne', array(new Length('min' => 5, 'max' => 15)), new Regex(array('pattern' => '/XXXX/'))
- Can also validate whole objects.
- validateValue(), validateProperty($user, 'email'), validationPropertyValue($user, 'email', '[email protected]'), validate($user)
- ConstraintViolationList is a collection of validation failures
Constraint and ConstraintValidator
- public properties = options for a Constraint subclass
- class Regex, class RegexValidator. The Validator does the logic of validating in the validate() function
- BasicConstraints: NotBlank(), Blank(), NotNull(), Null(), True(), False(), Url(), Ip(), Length(), Email()
- Comparison Constraints
- Date and Time constraints
- Number and Financial Constraints: Currency(), CardScheme(), Iban(), Isbn()
- Image Constraints: mimetypes, size, width, height
- Collection Constraints: check all the values in an array
Object Validation Mapping
- Can be definied in PHP, YML, XML, or Annotations
- For each property of the object, you define the validation constratints in a validation builder
- Annotations allow you to keep the validation rules right with the properties in the file.
- Can have the validator validate sub-objects automatically.
- Can apply constraints on methods as well as properties
- You can apply Callback constraints to use methods to validate a property
Validation Groups
- Allows for validation rules to change based on context
- For example, user registration versus user edit profile
- Group Sequence allows you to break validation into steps