Taking Caching to the Next Level (Symfony Live Session Notes)
Wayne Eaker
![Taking Caching to the Next Level (Symfony Live Session Notes)](/sites/default/files/images/symfony-caching.jpg)
- 80% - 90% of web site response is on the front end.
- This talk focuses on the other 10% - 20%.
Web Application Caching
- Symfony's Route matcher is cached at application level
- Container and Twig are also cached.
- ORM: Metadata, Result and Query caches
- Cache blocks in your template files
- Lifetime caching: time-based caching
- Generational caching: Make a unique key for item and block.
- composer require asm89/twig-cache-extenstion
- Edge Side Includes
- <esi:include src="https://www.drupaltutor.com/header" onerror="continue" />
- Varnish will start returning data to user as soon as it has something. So, it allows slow loading pieces to come in later.
- Different blocks can have different cache expiration times.
- Varnish will skip caching requests with cookies in them.
- Vary header: Vary: Cookie. Generation of caches based on user.
- Vary: App-Group. Have to annotate the original request for this non-standard header.
- Add an authentication app to generate the new request and calculate the App Group
Browser Cache
- localStorage: ajax callback and store in localStorage for things like "Welcome username"