The Week in Drupal: May 9, 2014

Wayne Eaker

A review of interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last 2 weeks: April 24 - May 9, 2014.

Drupal News

Drupal 7.28 released

New ideation tool proposal

User Facing Accessibility Improvements in Core (Part 1 of D8 A11y Update)

This week in Drupal Core - April 30th 2014

Want to be a Core Contributor? Drupal 7 Needs You!

Great Posts and Tutorials

Drupal 8 Now: Object Oriented plugins in Drupal 7

Sustainable Drupal Core development? Drupal Core Gittip Team, a new funding effort.

The investment case for employing a Drupal core contributor | Dries Buytaert

The case for a small Drupal shop contributing to Drupal

How We Test Drupal 7 Modules on Travis CI

Exporting Custom Date Formats in Drupal

HTML5 Audio recording with Drupal

Entity Construction Kit: What It Is and When to Use It

Using the Feeds API

Interesting New Modules

Entity Visits - Entity Visits tracks users who viewed an entity. With this module you will be able to make "People viewed your profile" block like Linkedin does.

Honeypot Entityform - Integrates the EntityForm module with the Honeypot module.

Field Concat Display - Allows Drupal admins to easily concatenate fields and display them without having to create/modify template files, and without creating new tables to hold "real" field data.

Lodash - Lo-dash is a low-level utility library for JavaScript. This Drupal 8 module replaces underscore.js, bundled in Drupal 8 core, with lodash.js. Lo-dash was created originally as a drop-in replacement for Underscore.js. But nowadays Lodash has many other features.

Google Analytics Link - Adds Google Analytics event tracking to link fields and/or menu item links.

Dynamic Entity Reference - Will provide a field type/widget/formatter combination for Drupal 8 that allows an entity-reference field to reference more than one entity type. Create a single field to hold references to Users and Nodes, or Terms and Nodes.

User Account Permissions - This module add the following new permissions for user accounts: edit own user account, edit own email address, edit other user's email address, change own password, change other user's password.

Hardened Computed Field - This is a fork of the Computed Field module. It does not allow to execute PHP code that is stored in the database. Instead it requires to always use code based callback function to calculate and display the fields.

Rules download - Exposes some Rules actions to download files from the internet using HTTP and use them within rules.