The Week in Drupal: April 25, 2014
A review of interesting modules, articles and other Drupal news of the last week April 18 - 24, 2014.
Drupal News
Drupal core announcements: This week (or two or three) in Drupal Core
Drupal core announcements: Approachable tasks for Drupal 8 Beta 1
Drupal Association News: Drupal Association Board Meeting Summary: 16 April, 2014
Great Posts and Tutorials
Paragraphs: content editing reinvented
How to Remove Core and Module CSS from a Drupal 7 Theme
Continuous Integration Efforts Get Easier with Drupal 8
Simpletest Turbo: how I almost quadrupled the speed of my tests
Károly Négyesi: The Simpletest sprint six years ago
Storing hierarchical data: Materialized Path
Just get the files you need when you develop
Control Context Using Context Entity Field in Drupal 7
Interesting New Modules
Restful - RESTful best practices for Drupal.
DataTank - "The DataTank is an open source tool that publishes data. These data can be stored in text based files such as CSV, XML and JSON or in binary structures such as SHP files and relational databases. The DataTank will read the data out of these structures and publish them on the web using a URI as an identifier. It can then provide these data in any format a user wants, no matter what the original data structure was. In practical terms, this means that you can provide a JSON feed on a certain URI based on data somewhere on the web say, a CSV output from a Google spreadsheet."
Print PDF Rules integration - Exposes some Rules actions to leverage from the Print module to generate PDFs and use them within rules.
Turn orig image - A widget for image file fields to rotate uploaded images by fixed angles.
Bounce Convert - Allows you to run "exit-intent" campaigns to show modal webforms to visitors who are leaving your website (determined by mouse cursor position and velocity). This allows you to get an extra pageview from visitors that would otherwise have been lost, and provides an opportunity to make offers, collect email addresses, poll visitors, or ask them why they are leaving.