The Old and New Field API in Drupal 8 (DrupalCon Portland Session Notes)
Wayne Eaker

New Field Types
- More power for site builders out of the box. Moved contrib fields into core.
- EntityReference in core!
- Date and Time fields (Date repeat still in contrib)
- Link
- Email/Phone
- No more field_config or field_config_instance tables
- Field and instance definitions in YAML files
- Deployment between environments is much easier (No Features module)
- New rule for Drupal 8: "Don't have core" is now "Don't hack your active config"
- field_create_field(), etc functions are gone.
- Create fields with entity_create(). Field configs are entities.
- Drupal 7: Display settings spread around. In variables table, field_config_instance table, "extra fields", in custom tables. (like for Display Suite, Field Group modules) Hard to deploy because you have to know all the things to capture with Features.
- Drupal 8: Single location for all settings about a field: such as entity.display.node.article.default.yml
- Introduces the concept "form modes": like view modes for forms. Decide which fields can show in context. (like the "show on user registration screen" checkbox)
- Drupal 7: hook-based: hook_field_formatter_view(), etc.
- Drupal 8: Widgets, Formatters, Field types are all plugins.
- Example: class MyWidget extends WidgetBase { }
- Annotations are the replacement for hook_field_info() sort of stuff.
- Example: class TextFieldItem extends FieldItemBase { }
Everything on an entity is a "field"
- Properties in Drupal 7: NID, Title, etc.
- In Drupal 8: These are called "base fields"
- "Configurable fields" are what used to be just called "fields"
- "Fieldable entity types" is now "extensible entity types"
- Improved DX: $node->body->value or $node->body0->value instead of $node->bodyLANGUAGE_NONE['value']
- Field metadata: $entity->$field0->getPropertyDefinition(); $is_string = $$entity->$field0 instanceof StringInterface.
- TypedData API: a way to express metadata in Drupal. Primatives, field types, entity types.
- Validation: Entity validation decoupled from form validation. Builds on Symfony Validator.
- Hidden widget available on all field types. Renders nothing in form.
- Field form HTML5 placeholders are available.
- Multiple upload: built into Field and Image fields